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Facilitating collaboration with subcontractors: an interview with Samuel Gangnant, General Manager of DPD France

Samuel Gangnant DPD France
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Kardinal supports DPD France in the digitization and optimization of its business. A key player in parcel delivery, DPD France is using Kardinal’s solution to optimize the sectorization of its delivery centers’ areas, as well as its routes.

Samuel Gangnant, General Manager of DPD France, answered our questions about the implementation of the project.

Kardinal: Hello Samuel, can you introduce yourself and DPD France?

Samuel Gangnant: Hello, I’m Samuel Gangnant, General Manager of DPD France. We specialize in the transport of small parcels (from 0 to 30 kilos). DPD France has 2,500 employees and transports 400,000 parcels a day on average.

K: Why did you choose Kardinal's solution?

SG: The partnership between DPD France and Kardinal started 3 years ago. DPD France’s objective was to provide our operational staff with a modern decision-making tool to enable them to manage their first and last-mile deliveries more efficiently.

We chose Kardinal for several reasons. Firstly, Kardinal’s powerful mathematical tool enables us to quickly support our operational staff in the sectorization of their delivery centers. Secondly, Kardinal’s solution was designed by center managers for center managers, making it perfectly suited to their needs. Our operational staff were able to take advantage of Kardinal’s extremely strong and powerful support to deploy the solution in the field.

K: What benefits have you seen since implementing Kardinal's solution?

SG: After 3 years of working together, the first positive effect is that the teams have embraced the tool, which is extremely important. Today, the teams use the tool on a daily basis to better optimize their routes in their areas.

The second positive impact is the improvement in communications with subcontracting partners, which were previously based on elements that were sometimes not very factual. Today, discussions are extremely tangible and shared between our operational teams and subcontractors, which in turn improves communication and collaboration.

K: What are the next steps in the partnership between DPD France and Kardinal?

SG: The next steps in our collaboration with Kardinal include reducing driver picking time on the platforms in the morning, optimizing routes and supporting our renewable energy transition efforts, which are part of DPD France’s strategic plan.

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